Our general English courses are designed for people who want to learn or improve fluency and accuracy in English. Some people who do these courses are learning for work, others for study or simply for personal interest.
At Caribbean English School, we use Side by Side, Third Edition, by Steven J. Molinsky and Bill Bliss, which is a dynamic, all-skills program that integrates conversation practice, reading, writing, and listening — all in a light-hearted, fun, and easy-to-use format that has been embraced by students and teachers worldwide. This four-level (split) program promotes native communication between students … practicing speaking together « side by side. »


Features of the Third Edition

    •    Vocabulary Preview sections in every chapter introduce key words in a lively picture dictionary format.
    •    « How to Say It! » lessons highlight communication strategies.
    •    Pronunciation exercises provide models for practicing authentic pronunciation, stress, and intonation.
    •    Side by Side Gazette « magazine-style » pages offer feature articles, fact files, vocabulary expansion, cross-cultural topics through photos, authentic listening activities, e-mail exchanges, and humorous cartoons for role-playing.
    •    All-new illustrations are lively, light-hearted, and richly detailed to offer students language practice that is contextualized and fun.
The core components include Student Books, Teacher’s Guides, Activity Workbooks, Activity & Test Prep Workbooks, Communication Games and Activity Masters, audio programs, video programs, combined split editions (Student Book and Workbook lessons combined), a testing program, and picture cards.

Note: Our General English program can be regular or intensive



LEVEL 1A (39 hours on Campus)

Chapter 1

To Be : Introduction

Personal information

Meeting People


Chapter 2

To Be + Location

Subject Pronouns

Classroom Objects

Rooms in the Home

Cities and Nationalities

Places Around Town


Chapter 3

Present Continuous Tense

Everyday Activities





Chapter 4

To Be: Short Answers

Possessive Adjectives

Everyday Activities

Test A


Chapter 5

To Be:

           Yes/No Questions

           Short Answers


Possessive Nouns

Describing People and Things



Chapter 6

To Be: Review

Present Continuous Tense: Review

Prepositions of Location

Family Members

Describing Activities and Events




Chapter 7


There Is/There Are

Singular/Plural: Introduction

Places Around Town

Locating Places

Describing Neighborhoods

Describing Apartments


Chapter 8






Shopping For Clothing




Test B (Final)


LEVEL 1B (38 hours on Campus)


Chapter 9

Simple Present Tense

Languages and Nationalities

Everyday Activities


Chapter 10

Simple Present Tense




Short Answers

Habitual Actions

People’s Interests and Activities




Chapter 11

Object Pronouns

Simple Present Tense: s vs. non-s Endings


Adverbs of Frequency

Describing Frequency of Actions

Describing People


Chapter 12

Contrast: Simple Present and Present Continuous Tenses


Feelings and Emotions

Describing Usual and Unusual Activities




Test A


Chapter 13


Have to

Expressing Ability


Looking for a Job

Expressing Obligation



Chapter 14

Future: Going to

Time Expressions

Want to

Describing Future Plans and Intentions

Expressing Wants

Weather Forecasts

Telling Time

Making Predictions




Chapter 15

Past Tense:

Regular Verbs

Introduction to Irregular Verbs

Past Actions and Activities


Describing an Event        

Making a Doctor’s Appointment


Chapter 16

Past Tense:

Yes/No Questions 

Short Answers


More Irregular Verbs

Time Expressions  

Reporting Past Actions and Activities

Giving Reasons

Giving Excuses


Chapter 17

To Be: Past Tense

Television Commercials

Describing Physical States and Emotions

Telling About the Past

Biographies and Autobiographies




Test B (Final)



LEVEL 2A (34 hours on Campus)


Chapter 1

Review of Tenses:

Simple Present

Present Continuous

Simple Past

Future: Going to

Like to

Time Expressions

Indirect Object Pronouns

Describing Present, Past, and Future Actions

Birthdays and Gifts

Telling About Friendships


Chapter 2

Count/Non-Count Nouns


Buying Food

Being a Guest at Mealtime

Describing Food Preferences


Chapter 3


Count/Non-Count Nouns


Buying Food

Describing Food

Eating in a Restaurant



Chapter 4  

Future Tense: Will

Time Expressions

Telling About the Future



Test A


Chapter 5
ComparativesShouldPossessive Pronouns     

Making ComparisonAdviceExpressing OpinionsAgreement and Disagreement


Chapter 6


Describing People, Places, and things  
Shoppig in a Departement Store
Expressing Opinons    


Chapter 7



Getting Around Town

Public Transportation

Test B (Final)

LEVEL 2B (33 hours on Campus)


Chapter 8


Comparatives of Adverbs

Agent Nouns


Describing People’s Actions

Describing Plans and Intentions

Consequences of Actions




Chapter 9

Past Continuous Tense

Reflexive Pronouns


Describing Ongoing past activities


Chapter 10


Be Able to

Have Got to

Too + Adjective

Expressing Past and Future ability

Expressing Past and Future obligation

Giving an Excuse    



Test A


Chapter 11

Past Tense Review         

Count/Non-Count Noun review


Mustn’t vs. Don’t Have to

Must vs. Should

Medical Examinations

Medical Advice




Chapter 12

Future Continuous Tense

Time Expressions

Describing Future Activities

Expressing Time and Duration

Making Plans by Telephone


Chapter 13


Pronoun Review

Verb Tense Review

Offering Help

Indicating Ownership

Household Problems




Test B (Final)



LEVEL 3A (32 hours on Campus)


Chapter 1


Simple Present Tense

Present Continuous Tense

Subject & Object Pronouns

Possessive Adjectives

Time Expressions

Describing Habitual and Ongoing Activities

Telling About Likes and Dislikes

Describing Frequency of Actions

Telling About Personal Background and Interests


Chapter 2


Simple Past Tense (Regular & Irregular Verbs)

Past Continuous Tense

Reporting Past Activities


Difficult Experiences

Describing a Trip

Chapter 3


Future: Going to

Future: Will

Future Continuous Tense

Time Expressions

Possessive Pronouns 

Describing Future Plans and Intentions  

Telling About the Future

Expressing Time and Duration 

Talking On the Telephone

Plans for the Future

Asking a Favor


Test A


Chapter 4   

Present Perfect Tense

Describing Actions That Have Occurred

Describing Actions That Haven’t Occurred Yet

Making Recommendations

Things to Do Where You Live

Making Lists


 Chapter 5

Present Perfect vs. Present Tense

Present Perfect vs. Past Tense

Since / For

Discussing Duration of Activity

Medical Symptoms and Problems

Career advancement

Telling About Family Members


Test B (Final)

LEVEL 3B (33 hours on Campus)


Chapter 6

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Discussing Duration of Activity

Reporting Household Repair Problems

Describing Tasks Accomplished

Reassuring Someone

Describing Experiences

Job Interviews


Chapter 7



Review: Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous Tenses

Discussing Recreation Preferences

Discussing Things You Dislike Doing


Describing Talents and Skills

Telling About Important Decisions


Chapter 8

Past Perfect Tense

Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Discussing Things People Had Done

Discussing Preparations for Events

Describing Consequences of Being Late

Discussing Feelings

Describing Accomplishments


Test A


Chapter 9

Two-Word Verbs:



Discussing When Things Are Going to Happen

Remembering & Forgetting

Discussing Obligations

Asking for and Giving Advice

School Assignments

Making Plans by Telephone

Talking About Important People in Your Life

Shopping for Clothing


Chapter 10


And … Too

And … Either

So, But, Neither


Asking for Giving Reasons

Describing People’s Backgrounds, Interests, and Personalities

Looking for a Job

Referring People to Someone Else

Discussing Opinions

Describing People’s Similarities and Differences


Test B (Final)



LEVEL 4A (22 hours on Campus)


Chapter 1


Present Perfect Tense

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Past Perfect Tense

Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Describing Actions That Have Occurred

Describing Actions That Haven’t Occurred Yet

Discussing Duration of Activity

Discussing Things People Had Done


Chapter 2

Perfect Modals:

Should Have

Might Have

May Have

Could Have

Must Have

Evaluating People’s Activities

Job Interviews

Expressing Possibility

Making Deductions

Expressing Concern About Others


Recounting Difficult Situations


Chapter 3

Passive Voice

Relative Pronouns

Discussing Creative Works

Describing Tasks Accomplished

Discussing Things That Have Happened to People

Describing Accomplishments

Securing Services

Automobile Repairs

Historical Narratives

Discussing Opinions


Test A


Chapter 4

Embedded Questions

Asking for Information

Indicating Uncertainty

Referring People to Someone Else

Reporting a Crime

Reporting a Missing Person


Chapter 5


Present Real  (If ________ Will)

Present Unreal   (If _________ Would)


Describing Plans and Intentions

Consequences of Actions

Discussing Future Events

Expressing Hopes

Asking for and Giving Reasons

Making Deductions



Test B (Final)

LEVEL 4B (23 hours on Campus)


Chapter 6

Present Unreal Conditional (continued)



Expressing Wishes

Job Satisfaction

Expressing Ability

Asking for and Giving Reasons

Life in Cities and Suburbs


Chapter 7

Past Unreal Conditional  (If _____ Would Have)

Wish-Clauses (continued)

Asking for and Giving Reasons

Making Deductions

Discussing Unexpected Events

Expressing Wishes and Hopes

Consequences of Actions



Chapter 8

Reported Speech

Sequence of Tenses

Reporting What People Have Said

Reporting Information

Expressing Surprise

Indicating Lack of Prior Knowledge

Leaving, Taking, and Conveying Messages

Job Interviews

Asking for and Giving Reasons

Discussing Feelings



Test A

Chapter 9

Tag Questions

Emphatic Sentences


Expressing Surprise

Reporting Information


Initiating Topics

Expressing Opinions

Expressing Agreement

Writing a Personal Letter

Writing a Business Memo

Performance on the Job


Chapter 10


Verb Tenses




Expressing Disappointment

Calling Attention to People’s Actions


Giving Reasons


Consequences of Actions

Expressing Concern About People

Asking for Assistance

Test B (Final)


Depending on how quickly you want to progress with your English, Caribbean English School offers two kinds of courses, regular and intensive. The program of regular courses is 15 months long, whereas the program of the intensive courses is 9 months long.
Both regular and intensive programs have the same curriculum, except that the duration of the intensive courses is shorter (9 months) than the duration of the regular courses (15 months). Also, the tuition of the intensive courses is approximately twice higher when studying on Campus.


Regular Courses

Regular courses consist of 5 classroom hours (weekday schedules), or 4 classroom hours (weekend schedules). Students are expected to attend the classes and should plan on 1-2 hours a day in homework reviewing the material covered in class and practice speaking.  In addition students will be given a mid-term and final exam.  Upon passing the exams (passing grade: 70%), students will be promoted to the next level.


Intensive Courses

 Intensive courses consist of 10 classroom hours (weekday schedules), or 8 classroom hours (weekend schedules). Students are expected to attend the classes and should plan at least 2 hours a day in homework reviewing the material covered in class and practice speaking.  Students must submit all homework assignments, pass the mid-term and final exam to progress to the next level. The passing grade is 70%.


Caribbean English School has several special courses sorted as the most essential ones that a student should take after the intermediate levels - these courses are elaborated below.

Note : "Spoken English" can be taken at all levels BUSINESS ENGLISH

Why taking up the business course? -The  Business English Course allows students to communicate easily and more consciously in the business world. It is also designed to prepare students to use English in a present or future work situation. Students will develop English skills with focus on business contexts and environments and they will learn vocabulary that is used regularly in business. – Reason 1
– What do we mean by « communicate easily and more consciously in the business world”?   We mean students who take up this course will understand T.V. or radio broadcast better, whether it is about finance, economics, banking, accounting, culture, diplomacy, literature, politics, medicine and the other like or life in a whole; that is, the terms used by most intellectuals in the English language-Not only will it enable students to understand English used in the conversations hereinbefore, but also helps them refine their speech by finding the exact words to converse with. – Reason 2

  The business English course offered by « Caribbean English school  » is designed to abet upper-intermediate and advanced students enrich their business vocabulary. A sound grasp of business English enables students to more effectively and fluently communicate in English during day to day workplace scenarios such as presentations, negotiations, small talk, socializing, meetings, C.V writing, and writing reports.  

The course will broaden both your speaking and writing skills and will give you an in-depth knowledge of diverse areas in English
•The course is for everyone learning English•—Besides enriching business vocabulary, the course also helps develop the language needed for important business communication skills. As a purpose-specific tool. The main goal of business English is to carry the messages across and reach agreements. This is why it demands a business-oriented English vocabulary and a bunch of skills. These skills can include letter writing, reports writing, delivering presentations, negotiating….after this course, the students will be ready for business—i.e, the business field!

TOEFL PREPARATION This class allows students to focus exclusively on preparing for the exam. Experienced Teachers provide students with test taking strategies, practice tests and the necessary skills to be successful on the TOEFL Test. TOEFL Test is basically for students whose native language is not English and wish to study in The United States or Canada. We boost their abilities; that is, with Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing skills for them to pass the test and attend college. ADVANCED GRAMMAR

Why take up an English Grammar course?

Basically grammar provides information that helps the reader’s comprehension.It is the structure that conveys precise meaning from the writer to the audience. Eliminate grammatical errors from your writing, and reward your readers with clear communication. Moreover grammar is important because it is the language that makes it possible for us to talk about language. Many people associate grammar with errors and correctness. But knowing about grammar also helps us understand what makes sentences and paragraphs clear and interesting and precise.
Benefits of the grammar class

Grammar is the structural of our ability to express ourselves. The more we are aware of how it works, the more we can monitor the meaning and effectiveness of the way we and others use the language. It can help us faster precision,detect ambiguity, and exploit the richness of expression available in English. It helps you to know how to craft words into coherent sentences , and how to put those sentences into paragraphs that successfully convey your meaning -You know grammar, that means you know how to put words together in a sensible order and add the right endings. -Grammar improves your listening and speaking skills knowing grammar helps us to be easier in communicating. -Grammar improves your reading and writing skills.                           OBJECTIVE. Caribbean English School  provides students with instructive and the most recent and/or update versions of grammar books or materials that enable them to use grammar in their writing as well as in their speaking. We enhance students learning with great deal of grammar activities in class and assign homework exercises that help them view grammar on a different angle rather than rules that impede them from advancing in the language by encouraging to make grammar second nature to them.                                                               -The statement hereinafter will fundamentally dictate you what the purpose and goal of the grammar class is in a supplementary way which has already been started here in before. For it is always essential that the current and future students be reminded that grammar is the communication code we all share in writing and in speech….. understand grammar conventions before breaking them for effective writing. Be aware of the different parts of speech. Besides, the main goal in grammar teaching is to enable learners to achieve linguistic competence and to be able to use grammar as a tool or resource in the comprehension and creation of oral and written discourse efficiently, effectively and appropriately according to the situation.

-After this class, students will be able to use parts of speech,verb tenses,punctuations prescriptive and descriptive more consciously and effectively.



Why taking up pronunciation -American Accent? Reasons:
  ….You want to sound like a native English speaker or understand native English speakers — especially people from the United States — this class is designed for you. How does this class help students reach their goal of sounding like native English speakers?     – It does with us (CES) providing them with didactic materials and assigning them a series of related exercices in class as well as at home to boost their learning and abet them to build self-confidence through daily practice.
  – It teaches students the different  types of American Accent by differing the Northern accent from the southern, the west coast and the east accents. It sets the difference between sounds of letters and their names and differentiate Intonation from Liaisons. It builds language awareness in the students in order for them to attain their goals such as making them know that native English speakers typically raise their voices and make a longer sound for the word that needs the most attention — other words they « stress” the most important words. English rhythm is the musical feature of English, the up and down of their pitch for each word in a sentence. Objective
—After this class, students will be able to identify the peaks and valleys intonation, Liaisons (word connections) and the other like, and apply them in their speaking.
—Students will understand movies, sports casters, interviews with superstars; interviews in a whole, T.V reality shows, besides all the above, they will understand native English speakers when talking to them physically much better than they did before.
    The  myth that it is not possible for a foreign learner to sound like a native speaker will no longer exist in the  students’ minds  – the barrier that has always been part of their learning process and has often obstructed their advancing in the language will be collapsed with the help of C.E.S — the determination of the students will be exposed and utilized for the betterment and task accomplishments of each and every student of ”Caribbean English School”. – Some problem areas students who attend CES will not have any more are with: Intonation, which refers to the paralinguistic  features such as pitch, loudness, resonance, quality, and so forth…

READING COMPREHENSION Reading comprehension is one of the most important aspects of English literacy. A well developed reading comprehension skills allows people to quickly understand texts, from novels and textbooks to newspapers or magazine articles.
The purpose of reading comprehension is getting meaning from written texts.. a major goal of reading comprehension instructions, therefore; is to help students develop the knowledge, skills and experiences they must have if they are to become competent and enthusiastic readers.
We will focus on 5 levels of reading comprehension: Lexical Comprehension, Literal Comprehension, Affective Comprehension, Applied Comprehension, and Interpreting Comprehension.
We will also help the students by dictating and encouraging them to empower their vocabulary in order for them to have better understanding of what they read. LISTENING AND SPEAKING

Reasons for taking up this course
-Apart from the other abilities that exist in every language, the first ones that everyone acquires when it comes to communicating in any language are listening and speaking then come the others; reading and writing.

Listening and Speaking skills
-By having strong listening skills you will be able to understand everything that is happening around you. By having good speaking skills you will be able to say anything you want without any problem opening up the world of communication both professionally and socially.

-This course is for students who wish to upgrade their listening and speaking skills for personal, educational and/or employment purposes. The course focuses on extending speaking and listening skills to improve confidence and develop basic proficiency in speaking and listening.
This course will certainly help students learn to listen again with counseling and assignments that will encourage them to empower the skills herein, with the assistance of professional and competent teachers selected by CES among the cream of the crop to make the students achieve their goal of being able to listen well and speak in a refined and intellectual way.


This course is intended to help beginners intermediate, upper-intermediate, and advanced students catch up with the time lost due to a lack practice.
It brings them back on track by creating an environment that allows them to practice as much as possible with a tutor.
Why a tutor?
Because it is with small groups of students who are proctored closely and attentively.
The students are assigned a variety of exercises and/or activities with didactic materials to accompany them in their practice session.
In this course, series of presentations, pair conversations, contest, group presentations and so forth are to make the students get their English back.
All the above is designed to help students brush up on their English and kill the shyness that usually hinders their speaking. It will also build up confidence in the students in order to set the mood for them to converse in the classroom as well as elsewhere.
After this course they will be able to use their English wheresoever with no fear of making mistakes.


Private, one-on-one ESL lessons can be arranged for individuals or mini-groups that have specific schedules or needs. These customized lessons are perfect for the student with limited time, who want more individualized attention, or who want to focus on a specific topic. Lessons can be arranged in a location and at a time that is convenient for the student.


Key points

Flexible scheduling to meet your personal requirements
One-to-one instruction dedicated to your own needs and pace
A personalized learning plan designed to support your objectives

Highly qualified instructors


DESCRIPTION :    Private lessons at the institute, your home or office
INTENSITY :         2 or more lessons per week
LEVELS :               10 levels from Beginner to Fluency